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The painful book-writing process

Dec 22, 2022 | Reading, Writing

Dr. Serena Sterling wasn’t sure she’d ever finish her book project. There were times, as her content developer, I wasn’t sure she would either. Because Serena wasn’t just writing about her business–helping people overcome chronic physical and/or emotional pain–she was writing about her own fraught experience with the subject. If you want a reason to procrastinate, that’s a good one right there.

Here’s what she says about the process:

Writing a book was a grueling and cathartic experience.

Now that it’s got a beginning, middle and an end wrapped up with a gorgeous cover, it feels surreal. I can’t believe I’m the author of a book! And not just any book, Pain: A Love Story 😍

Don’t get me wrong, actually completing this book was YEARS of hard work, self doubt, anxiety of what others (my family) would think, digging up old memories and reliving those old pains.

Getting through this process only happened because I reminded myself of why I started it in the first place.

I didn’t write this book to piss off my family; I wrote it to help people with chronic pain.

I needed to stop playing it safe and hiding behind a degree or a facade that made me seem like I had it all figured out. Because the truth is, we’re ALL making mistakes, learning, and growing on a daily basis. We all have trauma, undealt with emotions and problems we don’t want to talk about.

To live out my purpose and help other people, I decided to share my wounds and weak spots.

I’ve learned the best way to connect is through our most vulnerable and REAL experiences. I am doing this for YOU.

I may have doubted myself, been scared shitless to post “publish” but ultimately I connected with my greater purpose and pushed through those trying moments.

Having your purpose in your back pocket can be really helpful when you’re going through a tough time…

Despite the doubt, you’re looking at the end result, a gorgeous book full of wisdom, insight, and compassion for the healing process, which so many feel they should be done with by now. Summit Press Publishers couldn’t be more proud of this book, which you can order in Kindle format right now for 99 cents (for a limited time).

This week alone, it’s sold nearly 6,00o copies!

If you’d like  to see how you might use your very personal story to help your clients, to allow them see why you understand their problems, not just on a professional level, but on a personal one as well, then by all means order this book.


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