Kelli Jaecks
Martinis & Menopause: Strategies, Science, and Sips that Empower Women to Beat the Hormone Groan
Are you a hostage to your hormones? Can you become a raging witch in 0-to-60 seconds flat, leaving burned corpses in your wake? Do you wolf down every salted chip and sugar-laden brownie in sight? Is your world so stressful that you just want to crawl in bed during the day and shut the lights off? Does it feel like your body is betraying you? You may have become a hormone hostage. And you, my friend, are not alone. Martinis & Menopause is every menopausal woman’s guide to beating the hormone groan and thriving on the other side. This book is your place to find knowledge about what’s going on with your body and easy-to-understand science on why these things are happening to you, paired with doable lifestyle tips to help you feel better and live better. Oh, and terrific martini recipes.

Kelli Jaecks, author of Martinis & Menopause: Strategies, Science, and Sips that Empower Women to Beat the Hormone Groan, is a prolific speaker, blogger, and lover of life. Martinis & Menopause was inspired by her own journey through menopause and her passion for helping women feel and live better with personal power throughout all the changes. When not speaking or writing, Kelli enjoys performing in live theater and traveling to cool venues for scuba diving. She lives in Oregon with her husband.