Josh Patrick
Sustainable: A Fable About Creating a Personally and Economically Sustainable Business
John Aardvark has lots of problems. Aardvark Manufacturing, the company he founded and owns, is stuck and about to go into a major crisis. That’s when he turns, albeit reluctantly, to an expert who can help him figure out how to take a real vacation, figure out what to do with that no-good son who works for him, and grow his profits. Little does he know that the real goal is to step out of the daily fray, to become operationally irrelevant.

Josh Patrick, author of Sustainable: A Fable About Creating a Personally and Economically Sustainable Business, is a serial entrepreneur and advisor to private business owners. He has not only studied what it takes to create a sustainable business, but he’s lived it as well. He now spends his time helping other private businesses do what it takes to become economically and personally sustainable in their business and life.