Kelly Higdon & Miranda Palmer
Therapist Burnout: Your Guide to Recovery and a Joyful, Sustainable Private Practice
You became a therapist because you love helping others–at least, you used to. You started a private practice–or want to do so–to help people on your own terms, but you are struggling. You feel like you vacillate between feeling angry, sad, disillusioned, or numb. You can reignite your love and energy for the work–but it won’t happen through bubble baths and vacations.
This book digs into the systemic issues that put therapists at risk for burnout. It discusses how therapists replicate broken systems in their private practices, inadvertently perpetuating burnout. Most importantly, it helps therapists recover from burnout and create a joyful, sustainable private practice that truly helps their communities.

Therapists Kelly Higdon, LMFT, and Miranda Palmer, LMFT, founded and created zynnyme and the Business School for Therapists. Together they have been serving thousands of therapists worldwide since 2010.