Diane McCutcheon & Stacey Fitzsimmons
The Administrative Power Center: Front Desk Training Guide And Workbook For Rehab Private Practices
A successful rehab private practice depends on all employees working together as a team at an optimal level. While this book is designed for front desk specialists working in a private practice environment, it can be used to: Train new employees quickly and thoroughly; help existing front desk specialists understand how to perform certain tasks, how the front desk is key to getting paid right the first time; help managers better understand the responsibilities of front desk specialists in order to meet expectations, improve productivity, and manage performance; assist all employees in understanding how the core of the business works.

After years of consulting, Diane McCutcheon and Stacey Fitzsimmons, the authors of The Administrative Power Center Front Desk Training Guide And Workbook For Rehab Private Practices, saw a need to provide rehab practice owners with the option of outsourcing their billing function. They built Account Matters and stocked it with a team of PT, OT, and SLP billing experts to handle all billing and collections for their clients. Their goal is to ensure that their clients get paid right the first time.